About the Conference


With a population of about two billion people, Muslims are predominating in nearly 40 countries around the world from Morocco and Algeria through Iran and Tajikistan to Malaysia and Indonesia and still form a considerable part of other mixed societies. One of the most outstanding features of Islamic social teachings revolves around social welfare concepts, principles, as well as strategies and solutions. However, it is not possible to portray a single picture of social policy in Muslim societies given the vast diversity of historical, political, and economic circumstances they have experienced as well as various cultural characteristics they possess. Despite these diversities they have to respond to more or less similar issues and problems with regard to family and gender, inequality and poverty, education, employment and health, housing and social care, as well as juvenile delinquency and criminal justice, etc. Hence, there is an important question on how do they deal with these issues and what is the status and role of Islamic teachings in such social policies. This international conference is aimed to address these broad questions and therefore welcomes papers dealing with a wide range of issues outlined in the conference themes.